Diplomatic Corps

Members of the Flandrensian Diplomatic Corps are diplomats who
represents the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis in another sovereign state
(macronation). Ambassadors and Consuls enlarge the Flandrensian community and assist the development of our national identity. They have contacts with local authorities and organizations, organize occasional meetings with citizens or other micronationalists and raise awareness about Flandrensis and climate change in their local community.

Join the Diplomatic Corps!

One ambassador is sportive so he ran a marathon with a self-made shirt of Flandrensis, another ambassador is a musician and composed our national anthem, etc. Many ambassadors helped with the translation of letters and sharing articles on social media, participated in a Climate March, visited other micronations, organize events with other Flandrensians, etc.
So if you’re creative, sportive, an artist, musician, world traveller or an climate activist … or you’re social and want to meet other Flandrensians or consuls in your country?

The main conditions are: minimum age of 16 years old, are at least 2 months a citizen of our glorious nation and having no citizenships in other micronations (unless you have a very good motivation we can make some exceptions …). Members of the Diplomatic Corps are required to organize minimum two events each year and to share pictures of it. One event is mandatory: a clean-up action. The other events can be participating a Climate protest march, representing Flandrensian on a sport event, organize a meeting with other Flandrensians, sensibilization on recycling or other measures in daily life to help the climate.
If you have interest to join our diplomatic corps: send your application here.

List of the Flandrensian Diplomatic Corps (2024-2026)

  • Name: Baron José Antonio Silva
  • Region: Brasil
  • Flandrensian since: 2020
  • Role: Ambassador to Brasil
  • Contact: j.silva[at]flandrensis.com
  • Name: Marquis Albie Mayo De Sabina
  • Region: United Kingdom
  • Flandrensian since: 2017
  • Role: Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the British Overseas Territories
  • Contact: a.mayo[at]flandrensis.com
  • Name: Baron Konstantinos Papanatsios
  • Region: Greece
  • Flandrensian since: 2023
  • Role: Ambassador Ambassador to Greece
  • Contact: k.papanatsios[at]flandrensis.com
  • Name: Count Gábor Füleki
  • Region: Hungary
  • Flandrensian since: 2020
  • Role: Ambassador Ambassador to Hungary
  • Contact: g.fuleki[at]flandrensis.com
  • Name: Count Andrea Tattini
  • Region: Italy
  • Flandrensian since: 2021
  • Role: Consul at the Estense Region
  • Contact: a.tattini[at]flandrensis.com
  • Name: Lorenzo Prudenzano
  • Region: Italy
  • Flandrensian since: 2020
  • Role: Consul at Tarranto
  • Contact: l.prudenzano[at]flandrensis.com
  • Name: Baron Branislav Jevtić
  • Region: Canada
  • Flandrensian since: 2023
  • Role: Consul at Alberta
  • Contact: b.jevtic[at]flandrensis.com
  • Name: Marquis Eduard Boada d’Aguilla
  • Region: Spain
  • Flandrensian since: 2021
  • Role: Consul at Catalonia
  • Contact: e.boada[at]flandrensis.com
  • Name: Baroness Elaine Holden
  • Region: U.S.A.
  • Flandrensian since: 2020
  • Role: Consul at New Hampshire
  • Name: Baron Jake Housewright
  • Region: U.S.A.
  • Flandrensian since: 2022
  • Role: Consul at Tennessee
  • Contact: j.housewright[at]flandrensis.com
  • Name: Baron David Greene
  • Region: U.S.A.
  • Flandrensian since: 2014
  • Role: Consul at Texas
  • Contact: d.greene[at]flandrensis.com

Honorary members of the Diplomatic Corps

• H.E. Markus Kalter (former German Ambassador)
Contact: m.kalter[at]flandrensis.com
• H.E. Filippo Bagarolo (former Italian Ambassador):
Contact: f.bagarolo[at]flandrensis.com
• H.E. Dimitrios Dambassinas (former Greek Ambassador)
Contact: d.dambassinas[at]flandrensis.com
• H.E. Hugo de Saint-Paul (former Luxembourg Ambassador)
Contact: h.desaintpaul[at]flandrensis.com
• H.E. Rogier de Brederode-Wintgen (former Dutch Ambassador)
Contact: r.brederode-wintgen[at]flandrensis.com
• H.E. George Lapshynov d’Annenkov (former Consul in Scotland)
Contact: g.lapshynov[at]flandrensis.com