The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis has a proud heritage and history! Flandrensis was founded on September 4, 2008 as a temporary hobby for two weeks. Firstly regarded by the founder as a hobby-project, Flandrensis rapidly gained the respect of other micronations around the world.
The subsequent history of Flandrensis encompasses three phases: political simulation (2008-2012), cultural movement (2012-2015) and environmentalism (since 2016).
On this page you find a complete timeline off all important events since the foundation. Since 2021 the micronation also transformed into an environmental non-profit organization, therefore ecological actions or campaigns are also mentioned in the timeline as proof of our commitment and activity.

- August: Bored during the holidays, a Belgian student found information about micronations. After considering becoming a citizen, he decides to create his own micronation and thus starts with its design. What was intended to be a short-lived 3-week long hobby turned into a decade-long worldwide project.
- 04 September: Foundation of the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis and publication of its first constitution.
- 27 October: First edition of the newspaper “Flandrensis Nieuws”.
- 22 November: Flandrensis becomes a territorial micronation and claims Siple Island in Antarctica.
- 16 December: First diplomatic treaty with another micronation: the Republic of Aquitania.
- Flandrensis transforms from an absolute into a constitutional monarchy. After all his close friends joined Flandrensis, the Grand Duke allows the organisation of elections and the establishment of a Senate and a Cabinet.
- 22 December: Territorial dispute with Finismund, a Hispanic micronation that claimed West-Antarctica a few days before Flandrensis.
- 25 December: Finismund and Flandrensis reach an agreement and form an alliance. Flandrensis remains a sovereign nation within the borders of the Finismundian territory.
- 30 December: Flandrensis and two other Hispanic micronations found the GAMA (Grupo Del Acuerdo Micronational Antartico) to unite micronations with Antarctic claims.
- 01 January: The first elections are won by the nationalist NPF with 40%. They form a coalition with the royalist RPF (28%). The FRVV (14%), LV (10%) and FP (8%) form the opposition.
- 06 January: First Constitutional reform: Flandrensis became officially a constitutional monarchy.
- 29 January: Flandrensis supports its ally Finismund in their territorial dispute with Westarctica, resulting in a symbolic declaration of “war”. This dispute is known in Flandrensis as the “Siple War” and is considered the first huge conflict in the micronational community. The MicroWiki community becomes increasingly active because of the conflict.
- 21 February: Collapse of the government: protest against the voting system and inactivity in several parties. The Grand Duke appoints an interim NPF/RPF/FP government and independent senators.
- 25 February: Creation of the national currency: the Flandri.
- 20 May: First citizen not belonging to the original group of friends of the founder joins Flandrensis.
- 26 June: First edition of the newspaper Flandrensis Times.
- 01 July: The micronation “Principality of Arkel” become a vassal of Flandrensis.
- 10 July: Foundation of the Union Against Micronational War (UAMW) to protest against the immaturity and nonsensical behaviour of micronations who declare war against each other .
- 28 July: Second Constitutional reform: update of foreign policy.
- 01 August: Second elections are won by the royalist RPF with 34%, they form a coalition with the nationalist NPF (29%). The MPF (21%) and FP (16%) form the opposition.
- 25 August: A Flandrensian citizen started his own micronation (Oud-Saeftinghe) and tried to convince citizens to leave Flandrensis. Later he declared war on Flandrensis and crowned himself Grand Duke of Flandrensis. Ignored by Flandrensis and the micronational community, Oud-Saeftinghe disappeared not much later. This event is known as the “Poaching conflict”.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 38 citizens.
- 01 October: The MicroWiki community awards Flandrensis with the very first micronational peace award.
- 20 October: The newspaper “Flandrensis Times” changes its name into the “Gazet of Giddis”
- 05 December: Disbanding of the micronation of Finismund: Flandrensis claims the nearby Carney, Maher, Pranke and Cherry Islands.
- 01 January: Third Constitutional reform: territorial expansion of Flandrensis.
- 15 January: Transforming of the GAMA into the AMU (Antarctic Micronational Union) with the Grand Duke of Flandrensis elected as the first Secretary-General.
- 01 March: The Grand Duke dissolves the government and replaces the Senate and Cabinet by a Parliament.
- 21 June: First baby between two Flandrensian citizens.
- 24 July: The Grand Duke takes a patent on the micronation Flandrensis.
- First meeting with another micronation in Ghent (Belgium): the Principality of Beauluna.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 47 citizens.
- 25 September: Ending of the territorial dispute. Westarctica recognizes the territorial sovereignty of Flandrensis and both nations sign the West-Antarctic Treaty. Westarctica joins the AMU and holds the former claims of Finismund.
- 01 October: Third elections: royalist DRP wins the elections with 33% but prefer a minority government over a coalition with the NPF (26%). The NPF forms the opposition with the MPF (15%), FP (13%) and FRVV (13%).
- 24 October: Foundation of the Flandrensian Commonwealth: the principality of Arkel and Kingdom of Albion merge and share a common foreign policy. The goal of the Commonwealth is to support young people in Belgium and the Netherlands to create their own micronations.
- 09 February: Fourth Constitutional reform: complete new lay-out of the constitution and official integration of the Commonwealth.
- 16 April: Declaration of Eternal Neutrality. Flandrensis adopts the Swiss model and remains neutral in all micronational conflicts and disputes.
- 31 April: Collapse of the Government because of the inactivity of some political parties.
- 21 May: Grand Duke replaces the Parliament by the States-General of Flandrensis, with a Senate and a House of Representatives. Political parties are not allowed anymore.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 52 citizens.
- 03 October: Fifth Constitutional reform: Flandrensis tightens the conditions for diplomatic relations and leaves some micronational organisations.
- 06 January: Flandrensis signs its 100th treaty of friendship and mutual recognition with another micronation.
- 07 January: Dissolution of the Commonwealth member Albion. The Principality of Campinia joins the Flandrensian Commonwealth.
- 14 March: Flandrensis publishes the “The Manifest of the Micronational Spirit”, a guideline for new micronations on how to behave in the micronational community.
- 15 May: Sixth Constitutional reform: political parties back allowed in Flandrensis.
- 08 June: First publication in a local newspaper about the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis
- 16 June: Flandrensis leaves the MicroWiki community out of protest against the abuse of some administrators and moved to Facebook.
- 15 July: Polination: Flandrensis joins the micronational conference in London (UK).
- 20 July: First publication in a national newspaper about the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis
- 15 August: Fourth elections: royalist DRP wins the elections with 36%. The APPF (35%), NPF (20%) Flandriaans! (8%) and LG (1%) form the opposition.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 56 citizens.
- 05 October: Royal wedding in Flandrensis: Flandrensis now has a Grand Duchess.
- 02 November: First meeting between members of the Commonwealth in Ghent (Belgium). Signing of the treaty of Ghent.
- 22 February: New stamp and coin for Flandrensis.
- 23 February: Seventh Constitutional reform: Flandrensis tightens the conditions for citizenship and copyrights the national symbols of Flandrensis.
- 01 March: Foundation of the Flandrensian Institute for Heraldry of Nobility. All citizens have now the right to bear a personal coat of arms.
- 11 May: A Russian micronationalist crowns himself Grand Duke of Flandrensis and starts a fake website but disband everything after an official complain about violation of copyright.
- 11 August: Financial crisis in Flandrensis. The nationalist NPF protests against the financial management of the Grand Duke and demands a Ministry of Finances & Economy.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 61 citizens.
- 22 October: Fifth elections: victory for the nationalist NPF (24,03%), they form a coalition with the unionist FDUP (19,45%). The DRP (21,68%), FL-AL (8,55%), LV (10,86%) and APPF (15,48%) form the opposition.
- 29 December: Eight Constitutional reform: foundation of the Ministry of Finances & Economy.
- 02 February: The nationalist NPF blocks the plans of the Grand Duke to reform Flandrensis into an official non-profit organisation.
- 29 July: First publication in an international newspaper about the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis.
- 31 August: Activity census for citizens: from the 163 citizens only 94 confirms their activity and citizenship.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 94 citizens.
- 23 September: First time on television: Flandrensis is the central theme of a Belgian show “Normale Mensen” on a national channel.
- 24 September: Flandrensis and Westarctica sign the West-Antarctic Free Alliance to underline their partnership and corporation
- 11 November: Sixth elections: no party finds a partner to form a coalition with: NPF (24,29%), DRP (21,09%), FDUP (12%), FIU (7,74%), APF (15,84%), L&S (5,11%) and FL-AL (13,92%). This election was mentioned by local media in Belgium.
- 14 December: Grand Duke dissolves the Senate and dismisses all ministers because of political inactivity.
- 20 December: First micronational summit of La MicroFrancophony in Brussels, Belgium.
- 29 January: Ninth Constitutional reform: more political power for the Grand Duke and installation of a Grand Ducal Cabinet.
- 19 April: Flandrensian citizens meet each other in Moscow, first meeting between citizens outside Belgium.
- 04 July: Polination: Flandrensis joins the micronational conference in Perugia (Italy) and is a co-author of the Alcatraz Accords, the first micronational environmental treaty.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 234 citizens.
- 16 September: Birth of Prince Ferdinand, first child of the Grand Ducal couple.
- 13 February: Huge national survey: 80% of the votes in favour of keeping the monarchy and keeping the name and symbols.
- 01 March: Installation of the first Grand Ducal Cabinet led by Prime Minister Hein of Giddis.
- 30 April: Dissolution of the Flandrensisian Commonwealth.
- 14 May: Tenth Constitutional reform: new “No humans, only nature” policy, Flandrensis is now forbidden territory for humans.
- 27 May: Flandrensis is debt free: Gwendolien de Loungville, Minister of Finances & Economy leaves the Cabinet after cancelling all national debt.
- 31 August: The Gazet of Giddis changes its name back to the Flandrensis Times.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 421 citizens.
- 24 September: Micronational Conference of La MicroFrancophony in Aigues-Mortes. Flandrensis signs an ecologic charter with Aigues-Mortes.
- 04 November: FLEXIT: Flandrensis leaves the Antarctic Micronational Union (AMU) as a result of its lack of commitment to ecology.
- 16 March: Flandrensis changes its demonym: “Flandrensisian” becomes “Flandrensian”.
- 15 April: Second micronational summit of La MicroFrancophony in Luxembourg. Flandrensis signs the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- 14 May: Eleventh Constitutional reform: Flandrensis is now a limited elective monarchy, the Grand Duke stopped being the highest judicial figure and the constitution is more gender neutral.
- 24 June: MicroCon: Flandrensis joins the micronational convention in Atlanta (USA) and signs the Micronational Declaration of Ecological Stewardship (MiDES), the second micronational environmental treaty. MiDES was a Flandrensian initiative.
- 08 August: Twelfth Constitutional reform: the foreign policy is now a two-Tier Bilateral Cooperation treaty system.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census records 447 citizens.
- 16 September: Birth of Prince Jakub, second child of the Grand Ducal couple.
- 17 November: First official contact between Flandrensis and the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat after protesting against the organisation of sport events on Antarctica.
- 11 November: Prime Minister Hein of Giddis announces his retirement from Flandrensian politics after 9 years of service.
- 12 January: Thirteenth Constitutional reform: the Grand Duke delegates more power to the Chancellor and introduces the principle of open democracy.
- 21 January: Third micronational summit of La MicroFrancophony in Lille (France).
- 23 January: Constitution of a new Grand Ducal Cabinet led by Chancellor Joaquín Castillo-Lopez.
- 30 April: Honorary diplomatic corps established.
- 21 July: Micronational Conference of La MicroFrancophony in Vincennes (France).
- 09 August: Flandrensis registers its 500th citizen.
- 25 August: Protest at the Japanese Embassy in London (UK) against illegal whale hunting.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: 10 years of independence! The census records 522 citizens.
- 23 December: After 4 years, parliamentary elections are back in Flandrensis.
- 03 January: Fourteenth Constitutional reform: the foreign policy is adapted and a Facebook group is created for the referenda.
- 17 January: By Grand Ducal Decree, the Grand Duke appoints a new Parliament of Flandrensis (with the Greens, Socialists and Royalists), a Council of State and a Chancellor.
- 17 February: Fifteenth Constitutional reform: the foreign policy is changed again.
- 01 March: The political experiment fails because of its complexity. The Grand Ducal Cabinet decides to keep the previous system.
- 08 March: New Grand Ducal Cabinet led by Chancellor Chancellor Joaquín Castillo-Lopez.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 587 citizens.
- 09 September: First episode of the Podcast “Flandrensis Radio”.
- 16 December: A Russian micronation claims to be the successor of the Antarctic Micronational Union (AMU) and gives the impression that Flandrensis and several others are falling under their jurisdiction. As a result of this event, former AMU-members started negotiating to start a new union.
- 05 January: Grand Duke Nicholas creates the Privy Council. An informal body of former Flandrensian politicians who give advice to the Grand Ducal Cabinet.
- 15 February: Flandrensis sues a company who violates its intellectual property by selling Flandrensian flags. After threats of legal action and financial compensation, the company removed the flags from their online shop.
- 20 February: A new Grand Ducal Cabinet is appointed, led by Chancellor Joaquín Castillo-Lopez.
- 26 February: A referendum is held about joining the AMU: 12% voted abstain, 20% voted in favour and 68% voted against joining the AMU.
- 24 May: Flandrensis signed its 200th treaty of Friendship and Mutual Recognition with the Forstendom Holkau.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 643 citizens.
- 30 October: Flandrensis signs the Treaty of Véron, an environment treaty about the protection of bees.
- 06 January: Flandrensian knights organizing a clean-up action in Langemark (Belgium).
- 26 January: Grand Duke Nicolas establishes the new Diplomatic Corps (2021-2023).
- 27 February: Flandrensis participates in the MicroWorkshop, an online event organized by the Commonwealth of Dracul. Grand Duke Nicholes gives two workshops about “Ecological micronationalism” and “How to gain more citizens”.
- 01 March: A new Grand Ducal Cabinet is appointed, led by Chancellor Joaquín Castillo-Lopez.
- 20 March: First official meeting (online) between the new Diplomatic Corps and the Grand Ducal Cabinet.
- 22 March: After receiving a letter back from the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), Flandrensis sends another letter to the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty about the limitation of tourism and sport events in Antarctica.
- 31 March: Minister George Lapshynov d’Annenkov represents Flandrensis at the “Festival Central Vapeur 10.1” (France), participation in a panel to discuss micronationalism.
Flandrensian knights organizing a clean-up action in a Hungarian nature reserve (Hungary). - 19 April: Flandrensis sends a letter to the Japanese Prime Minister Sto protest against the decision of the Japanese government to release more than 1 million tonnes of contaminated water into the sea from the plant. Several members of the Diplomatic Corps also send letters to the Japanese ambassador in their country.
- 04 July: Flandrensis officially announces its candidacy for the Olympic Summer Games of 2032 in Salla (Finland). With this action Flandrensis supports the creativity of the people of Salla to raise awareness for climate change by parodying the Olympic Games.
- 24 July: Campaign with focus on the new ecological pillars of Flandrensis (social media).
- 27 July: 100th edition of the Flandrensis Times.
- 11 August: The Charter of Leon: the Grand Ducal cabinet decides to upgrade Flandrensis from an association with non-profit activity, into an non-profit organization.
- 17 August: Foundation of “vzw Groothertogdom Flandrensis”, registered in the “Belgian Official Journal” as a non-profit organisation with number 0772.515.027.
- 22 August: First official state visit of the Emperor of Angyalistan at the Flandrensian Embassy in Belgium.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 761 citizens.
- 18 September: For the first time Flandrensian citizens are participating worldwide in “World Clean-up Day”.
- 26 September : Flandrensian delegation joins the Ambienti Microfestival (Modena, Italy), hosted by the Italian micronation Bardo.
- 29 September: Flandrensis sends a climate letter to the government of British Columbia (Canada) to protest against the deforestation of Vancouver Island and its effects on climate change.
- 02 November: Several Italian Flandrensians came together in Modena and put the Flandrensian flag on a rainbow bench to protest against the anti-LGBT policy of Italy’s senate. On request of the Flandrensian community in Italy, Grand Duke Nicholas sends a letter to the European Commission.
- 06 November: Flandrensis participates in a climate strike in Glasgow.
- 12 November: On behalf of Team Flandrensis, Greek ambassador Dimitrios Dambassinas de Mellona participates in the Guinnes World Record Run 2022.
- 19 November: Flandrensian knights participating into a reforestation project (Italy).
- 20 November: After 7 years of corporation and weekly contacts, Grand Duke Nicholas meet Chancellor Joaquín and Minister/ Chief in Arms George in Paris.
- 23 November: Helena Dalli, the EU Commissioner for Equality replied on the Flandrensian letter (see 02 November) that by end of 2021, the Commission will propose to add hate crime and hate speech to the list of the so-called ‘Eurocrimes’.
- 21 December: Official opening of the Flandrensian Consulate in Tarragona (Catalonia). For this event an official Flandrensian coctail was named after the Flandrensian Grand Duke: a mix of ice, El Petonet Liquor, lemon and Belgian beer Westmalle symbolizes all the best of Antarctica, Belgium and Catalonia.
- 26 January: A new Grand Ducal Cabinet is appointed, led by Chancellor Joaquín Castillo-Lopez.
- 04 February: The Board of Directors of “vzw Groothertogdom Flandrensis” approved a new logo for the non-profit organization.
- 13 February: Flandrensian knights participating into a reforestation project (Italy).
- 26 February: As a neutral nation, Flandrensis condemns all conflicts, aggression and crimes against humanity. Without much success Flandrensis tried to contact Flandrensians living in Kiev, Lviv and Kharkiv that are under attack by Russian troops. The Flandrensian Embassy in Hungary participates in local humanitarian actions at the Ukraine borders.
- 27 March: The National Bank of Flandrensis donated 100 trees to Ca ‘Pallai, a reforestation campaign organized by Italian Flandrensians in Modena.
- 10 April: Flandrensian knights organizing a clean-up action in Modena (Italy).
- 14 April: Flandrensian knights participating in a local clean-up action (Italy).
- 24 April: Flandrensian knights start their own reforestation project (Italy), subsidized by Flandrensis.
- 01 May: Campaign to motivate Flandrensians to start their own vegetable garden and to compost (Belgium/ social media)
- 21 May: The Flandrensian Grand Duke was invited as a speaker on ChangeNow, an international climate summit in Paris to tell about environmental micronationalism.
- 05 June: Celebration of World Environment Day and start of the campaign “Make your hands dirty” (social media).
- 11 June: Flandrensian founder and Grand Duke was nomination by the micronational community and elected in the “Micronational Hall of Excellence.
- 26 June: Birth of Prince Jacopo, third child of the Grand Ducal couple.
- 28 June: Campaign to motivate Flandrensians to start their own vegetable garden (Brazil/ social media).
- 01 July: Campaign on sustainable energy: Flandrensians are building their own solar kitchen (Italy/ social media).
- 13 July: Official state visit of the head of state of Bardo at the Estense Consulate (Italy).
15 July: Flandrensian ambassador visits the expo “Glocal Experience” in Rio de Janeiro, waving the Flandrensian flag (Brazil). - 16 July: Sixteenth Constitutional reform: the establishment of the House of Lords and the establishment of the Flandrensian Overseas Territories, allowing citizens to get their garden recognized as a Flandrensian Ecological County, Province, Crown Dependency or Colony.
- 18 July: Creation of our first nature reserve and Overseas territory: the Ecological County of Ca’ Pallai (Italy).
- 27 July: Disappointed about the outcome of the latest Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting to protect the emperor penguin, Flandrensis sends a letter to the Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration.
- 31 July: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Antarctic tourism and had a positive impact on whales in Antarctica! Flandrensis sends another letter to the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat to limit tourism.
- 05 August: Six years after Flandrensis left the Antarctic Micronational Union, the Cabinet requested the AMU-membership and wish to strengthen the diplomatic relationship again with her micronational partners.
- 06 August: MicroCon: Flandrensis joins the micronational convention in Las Vegas (USA).
- 14 August: Creation of our second nature reserve and Overseas Territory: the Ecological County of Urabba (Australia).
- 19 August: Flandrensis adopt the True South proposal, designed by Evan Townsend as Antarctic flag.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 874 citizens.
- 17 September: Flandrensis adopts #worldcleanupday as a national holiday, Flandrensians worldwide are participating in clean up actions.
- 23 September: A Flandrensian delegation joins festivities in the micronation Aigues-Mortes. Grand Duke Nicholas received his Emperor Norton Award (Micronational Hall of Excellences).
- 23 October: Flandrensian knights organizing a clean-up action in Modena (Italy).
- 02 November: Flandrensis has been granted accreditation as an observer to the governing body of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- 09 November: Campaign on sustainable solid waste management with focus on composting (Italy/ social media).
- 25 November: Campaign on sustainable solid waste management: Flandrensian knights are building a composter (Hungary/ social media).
- 25 November: Campaign on sustainable solid waste management: Flandrensian knights are building a composter (Hungary/ social media).
- 05 December: Creation of our third nature reserve and Overseas Territory: the Ecological Province of Pumakawa (Argentina).
- 02 January: Flandrensis announces that they are co-hosting MicroCon Europe (an international micronational conference) together with Ladonia.
- 05 February: Flandrensian knights organizing a clean-up action in Modena (Italy).
- 12 February: The Flandrensian Consulate in Catalonia is organizing a campaign to support the local Siurane River project.
- 04 April: Flandrensian knights organizing a clean-up action in Modena (Italy).
- 09 April: Flandrensis appoints Georganna Gore as UNEP Ambassador. She will represent the non-profit organization of Flandrensis into the United Nations Environment Programme.
- 29 April: Campaign to motivate Flandrensians to start their own ecological sanctuary (social media).
- 07 May: Together with Urside and Bardo, Flandrensis launches campaign against bear hunting in Italy (Italy/ social media).
- 09 May: Flandrensian knights organizing a clean-up action in Toronto (Canada).
- 02 June: Flandrensian knights organizing a beach clean-up action (Italy).
- 03 June: Campaign to motivate Flandrensians to start their own ecological sanctuary (Hungary/ social media).
- 17 June: Flandrensian knights participating into a reforestation project (Italy).
- 01 July: Creation of our fourth nature reserve and Overseas Territory: the Crown Dependency of Prinsenhof (Belgium).
- 12 August: Together with Ladonia, Flandrensis hosts MicroCon Europe in Ypres (Belgium). The conference was attended by 66 people representing 23 micronations along with members of the press and academic institutions.
- 22 August: Flandrensis participates in the UNEP webinar “Summary of INC3 stakeholder organizations”
- 29 August: Flandrensis participates in the UNEP webinar “First INC3 presentation preview”
- 30 August: Flandrensis sends a letter to the Governments of the UK and South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands asking them to prioritize the creation of a martime protected area as part of their 30X30 target.
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 855 citizens.
- 05 September: Flandrensis participates in the UNEP webinar “Second INC3 presentation preview”
- 16 September: Flandrensians worldwide are participating in clean up actions (World Cleanup Day).
- 21 September: Creation of our fifth nature reserve and Overseas Territory: the County of Verdo-Karto (Kazakhstan).
- 13 November: Flandrensis participates in the UNEP webinar “Third INC3 presentation preview”
- 17 January: Grand Duke Nicolas establishes the new Diplomatic Corps (2024-2027)
- 27 January: A new Grand Ducal Cabinet is appointed, led by Chancellor Joaquín Castillo-Lopez.
- 11 February: Thanks to Flandrensian funds, the Pumakawa Ecological Province in Argentina provided surgery for a Taguato bird of prey and a puma. They also adopted a baby opossum and named him Policarpo, after the patron saint of Flandrensis.
- 17 February: Flandrensian knights participating into a reforestation project (Belgium).
- 18 February: Diplomatic meeting with the Republic of Satoshi in Ghent (Belgium).
- 19 February: Flandrensis sends a letter to the Government of Iran to protest against their plans to build a military base in Antarctica. Requesting to reconsider its plans and commit to preserving Antarctica’s scientific and environmental integrity.
- 26 February – 01 March: Flandrensis participates in the UNEP webinars “UNEA-6 Conference in Nairobi”
- 06 March: The Flandrensian ambassador in Greece started a small campaign to provide small garden with flowers and small trees in pots in a housing complex (Greece).
- 08 March: Flandrensis sends a letter to the Government of Greece to protest about cutting down thousands of trees for the creation of a wind farm on Mount Othrys, Warning for the destruction of the forest on Mount Othrys as well as the risk of extinction of several species of animals and birds.
- 20 March: Flandrensian knights organizing a clean-up action in Modena (Italy).
- 21 March: Campaign with focus on World Forest Day (social media).
- 02 April: Policarpo, a rescued baby opossum, was successfully released into the wild by Pumakawa volunteers after months of care.
- 10 April: Flandrensis registers its 1,000th citizen.
- 28 April: The County of New Eurabba (Australia) has been officially disbanded as an ecological sanctuary, marking the end of its conservation efforts.
- 28 April: Flandrensian knights participating into a reforestation project in Modena (Italy).
- 08 May: Grand Duke Nicholas delivered a lecture titled “Scammers, dreamers, and small world improvers: a journey through 200 years of micronationalism” at the symposium “State, citizenship, and social contract in 2024” hosted by the Faculty of Law and Criminology at the University of Leuven.
- 02 June: Campaign to motivate Flandrensians to start their own ecological sanctuary (social media).
- 08 June:
Flandrensian knights from the Ecological County of Ca’ protest against hate and discrimination and participate in an LGBT-demonstration in Italy. - 10 June: Flandrensian knights organizing a clean-up action in Modena (Italy).
- 13 June: Campaign with focus on motivating Flandrensians to use public transport (social media).
- 15 June: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about wind energy and wind turbines (social media).
- 17 June: Creation of the Grand Ducal Guard of Flandrensis.
- 20 June: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about the importance of climate change awareness in education (social media).
- 27 June: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about recycling (social media).
- 03 July: Creation of our sixth nature reserve and Overseas Territory: the Crown Dependency of Rodo Almyros (Greece).
- 05 July: Creation of our seventh nature reserve and Overseas Territory: the County of Leskovia (Hungary).
- 13 July: Official creation of Flandriaans as national language and the “Komjesi vor Åna ov Flandriaans Langåfrega (KÅFL).”
- 17 July: Campaign from the the Ecological Crown Dependency of Rodo Almyros with focus on informing Flandrensians about the ecological pillars of Flandrensis (social media and Greece).
- 23 July: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about the importance of trees and plants against air pollution (social media).
- 26 July: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about the importance of the protection of the mangrove ecosystem (social media).
- 30 July: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about green energy (social media).
- 04 August: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians to reduce food waste (social media).
- 08 August: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about the impact of plastic pollution on the oceans and wildlife (social media).
- 13 August: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about the importance of forests (social media).
- 04 September: Flandrensis Day: the census registers 1,055 citizens.
- 05 September: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about the importance of trees and plants against air pollution (social media).
- 07 September: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about the importance of trees and plants against air pollution (social media).
- 09 September: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about the importance of trees in urban regions (social media).
- 21 September: Flandrensians worldwide are participating in clean up actions (World Cleanup Day).
- 22 September: At the Principality of Aigues-Mortes, Flandrensis was honoured with a nomination for the Golden Flamingo Award in the ‘Micronation of the Year 2024’ category during a prestigious ceremony, earning 2nd place behind Slowjamastan.
- 26 September: Campaign with focus on the World Environmental Health Day (social media).
- 11 October: Flandrensian knights participating into a reforestation project in Modena (Italy).
- 13 October: The Atlantic Magazine considers Maher Island as Point Nemo, the most isolated spot on Earth. The Magazine also highlights Flandrensis’ claims and ecological mission.
- 23 October: Campaign with focus on the ecological pillars of Flandrensis (social media).
- 30 October: Diplomatic meeting in Athens between the Flandrensian Ambassador in Greece and the head of state of Yusienia (Greece).
- 03 November: The Cabinet established the Ministry of Antarctic Heritage and launched a dedicated social media account on X to promote the heritage, history, and micronationalism of the White Continent.
- 06 November: Campaign with focus on motivating Flandrensians to use public transport (social media).
- 16 November: Flandrensian knights participating into a reforestation project in Modena (Italy).
- 16 November: The documentary “The Tiny World (Tyci Świat)” was nominated for ‘Best Documentary’ at the Little Venice Film Festival, with filmmaker Piotr Tomaszewski, a participant of MicroCon EU (Ypres), interviewing the Flandrensis founder.
- 21 November: Campaign with focus on informing Flandrensians about green energy (social media).
- 26 November: Campaign with focus on the World Sustainable Transport Day (social media).